Over the years, Maji na Ufanisi has gained experience in supporting Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) and local level NGOs to reach the neediest and most vulnerable groups in urban informal settlements and rural areas in the 47 counties in Kenya. Maji na Ufanisi’s head office is located in Nairobi County. It also has an office located in Mombasa County where it oversees projects implementation in Coast Region.
Currently MnU is undertaking WASH interventions in Nairobi, Mombasa and Taita Taveta Counties. MnU has also to engaged the County Governments of Kilifi, Kwale, Kisumu and Kakamega not only to support MnU’s projects that can be undertaken within each County but also to drive the WASH reform process at county level without necessarily disrupting service delivery.
How we Work
Maji na Ufanisi’s strategy is to work through partner organizations, with all staff based in local hubs. We believe that by working with local organizations, the projects get firmly rooted in local conditions, contexts, needs and solutions; while our partnerships seek to empower youth, women and PWD’s to change their lives for themselves. This approach also represents value for money as it keeps staffing and administrative costs to a minimum.
Maji na Ufanisi is determined support national policies and laws which provide a legal framework and lead to the institutional setup through which water resources and water services in the country are managed.
The overarching national development planning framework, Vision 2030 and its Medium Term Plan (2008 -2012) prioritize water resources as key to meeting the objective of the Social Pillar which is stated as “investing in the people to improve the quality of life for all Kenyans by targeting a cross-section of human and social welfare projects and programmes”.
Maji na Ufanisi anchors her programs on contributing to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (2015-2030)