charity for water in africa

Water and Development: Clean Water in Africa Charity (Based in Kenya)

Clean Water Charity: Mission and Vision

Our Vision- "Water For All"

Maji na Ufanisi is Swahili Name of our brand name “Water and Development”

With over 27 years of expertise and experience in the Water sector, the clean water in Africa charity  has immensely transformed the lives of the local communities in Kenya through development of highly successful policies, programming and implementation of its portfolio of projects in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).

Our Mission

“To be a leader in the water and sanitation sector (WASH), influencing resilience, governance, knowledge management and promoting best practices in environmental sanitation in Kenya”.

Core Values

  • Integrity,
  • Professionalism
  • Equity
  • Equal Opportunity

Clean Water in Africa charity: Success Stories

Kongowea story

Briefly, by 2013, when Water and Development (Maji na Ufanisi) started its WASH intervention in the Kongowea public market, the situation was simply a nightmare.

 The market was dirty, with dilapidated water and sanitation facilities. 

Occurrences of water and vector diseases was very common. Indeed, the stench emanating from these blocked sanitation facilities could be smelt 100 metres away.

Over 10,000 people have benefited from improved WASH services and 100 women and youth have directly benefited from employment from these public sanitation facilities.

Before Intervention

After Intervention


The clean water in Africa Charity first piloted the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Enterprise Model (WASHEM) in Mombasa County’s Kongowea market, where 60 public toilets were rehabilitated. 

The facilities were redesigned to be disability friendly and handed to youth groups for management. 

The youths were trained on basic business skills. Currently, each facility generates enough revenue to cater for maintenance and staff salaries.

Over 10,000 people have benefited from improved WASH services and 100 women and youth have directly benefited from employment from these public sanitation facilities.

In May 2021, MnU’s project in Kongowea public market was rated first out of over 900 projects that had been competing for an international award that was given by AMCOW (African Ministers’ Council on Water) and UNICEF. 

Works with Over 100 community-based Organizations

At Community Level, the clean water charity works with over 100 CBOs that form the large base of the organization’s implementing partners. 

Among these CBOs are ;

  • Kaptagat Usafi Group in Kangemi
  • Nairobi, Soweto Usafi Group in Kibera
  • Nairobi, NCBHA ( Nairobi Central Business Hawkers Association) in Muthurwa Nairobi
  • Uvumilivu Usafi Group in Bangladesh, Mombasa County.

These CBOs manages the facilities using the pay- per- use system.

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Support Us Because Clean Water is Life

Charity for Water in Africa –Our Partners

Partners and Members
Beneficiaries of Our Projects since 2015
Amount Spent since 1997
$ 0

Support Us Through Mobile Money (MPESA)


Maji na Ufanisi Paybill number. 4106985.

Account number. [ Put in Your Name]

Why Partner or Support Water and Development (Maji na Ufanisi)?

Proven track record

Maji na Ufanisi (Water and Development) has been operating for 27 years, and during that time, they have been making a significant impact in providing clean water and sanitation to Kenyans. Our long track record of success is a testament to Our commitment to Our mission and Our ability to deliver effective solutions.

Recognition for excellence

The  charity for water in Africa has won several awards for their work, including the 2015 AfricaSan Youth Award. This recognition is a testament to our dedication to our cause and our ability to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people in need.

Strong partnerships

Water and Development (Maji na Ufanisi)works closely with national and county governments, as well as over 30 community-based organizations. These strong partnerships help to ensure that our solutions are tailored to the specific needs of the communities we serve, and that they are effectively integrated with broader development efforts.

Good Stewardship of Donations and Grants

Water and Development (Maji na Ufanisi) uses in-kind grants to provide clean water and sanitation to Kenyans. This means you can be confident that your support is being used to directly provide essential resources to those in need.

Sustainable impact

Solutions provided by the charity for water and sanitation  are designed to have a long-lasting impact. By partnering with us, you can contribute to a sustainable solution that will improve the lives of people in need for years to come.

Support Us Because Clean Water is Life

What Beneficiaries and Partners Say About Water and Development (Maji na Ufanisi)

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - "Water and Development (Maji na Ufanisi) has transformed our community by providing access to clean water and sanitation. Before their intervention, we struggled with waterborne diseases and inadequate sanitation facilities. Now, we can live healthier and more dignified lives. We are grateful for their tireless work and commitment to our well-being."
Community Leader
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - "As a partner of Water and Development (Maji na Ufanisi), I have witnessed firsthand their impact on the ground. Their team of experts is dedicated to finding sustainable solutions to the water and sanitation crisis in Kenya. Through their innovative projects and collaborations with local communities, they are making a real difference in the lives of thousands of people."
Rotary Club Denver, Colorado
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Water and Development (Maji na Ufanisi) has helped us in so many ways. Before, we had to walk long distances to collect water from a polluted river. Now, we have a well in our community that provides us with safe and clean water. We have also received training on how to practice good hygiene. Thanks to Maji na Ufanisi, our lives have been transformed
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